Monday, May 30, 2011

It's time for summer... boredom.

Ok so after almost a year of inactivity, I've decided to just salvage this blog, because I'm a lazy bastard and don't want to go make another new one. Plus, this one gives me a little more freedom than the hypothetical 'Gamer Blog' would. So this is it, and to today's story!

So in this article people are apparently caught believing that the Onion is real. I'll repeat that, because you're probably stuck in the same disbelief I was. People, as in living human beings, believe that certain articles from THE ONION are real! I'm just stuck in... WHAT THE FUCK! Ok so, the story goes that when the Onion's article was reposted (and this is why Copypasta is the devil). Now, the people who reposted it forgot to mention that it was a satirical story, because Obama releasing a thousand page e-mail is totally believable. Cue people taking it seriously.

So now we have someone fighting the good fight though. The fight against the general stupidity surrounding us. A brave soul has created a blog to document these fits and seizures of stupidity. The blog is called 'Literally Unbelievable'. And let me tell you, it is pretty hilarious. It's also slightly horrifying. These are real people saying really stupid things. It is not ok to be stupid, people. Just remember that next time you think to say something online.

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